Temperatures are dropping to 21° and wetness is moving in tomorrow! Please keep your furry family members safe during this cold snap!
Best option: Bring all pets indoors! Your garage, laundry room, or bathroom can work if needed.
If pets MUST stay outside:
Provide a sturdy, elevated shelter with straw bedding (blankets can freeze!)
Face shelter opening away from wind
Use thick plastic flaps over doorway to block wind
Check water frequently – it will freeze!
Consider a pet-safe heated water bowl
Increase food portions – pets burn more calories staying warm
Bang on your hood before starting your car – cats often seek warmth under vehicles
Remember: If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them!
Senior pets, short-haired breeds, and puppies/kittens are especially vulnerable to cold. Please help spread the word and keep an eye out for strays who might need help!
Call us if you see an animal in distress: San Saba County Friends of Animals (325) 372-PETS (7387) ext. 0.